Thursday 24 September 2015

Back on my feet

So I missed my 20 mile run but managed to pick up my schedule again from the following week.

My elbow and knee still hurt but once the adrenaline kicks in then I don't really feel anything.

Since the rugby world cup has started I decided on Saturday to route my 16 mile run down the Thames and back via Twickenham to get a taste of what was going on around there.

I managed to run past some laconic cows by the banks of the Thames.

Cows by the Thames in Richmond

I like this part of the Thames footpath. I don't run down here too often as I can only include it on my longer runs but it's nice to change the scenario now and again just to keep things fresh.

Before long I came to the footbridge by Teddington Locks. A lovely iron bridge with a weir one side. I image the house prices around here would be a touch out of my price range.

Teddington Locks footbridge

My legs didn't feel too bad but I still don't know how they are going to cope with 26.2 miles in 10 days' time. I know that I always feel like this and that it should come together on the day but I still have mild anxiety that I'm going to crash and burn. Although last year I forgot I'd entered the Chester marathon until two weeks before when my number was posted through the door and I still managed to get round in under 4 hours so I'm hoping that will stand me in good stead.

With about 5 miles left to run I finally passed Twickenham stadium. I've been here a few times to watch Wales play (and invariably get beaten) by England as well as watched my home team the Ospreys beat Leicester a few years ago in the Anglo-Welsh cup. It's a great stadium and now it's all been decked out in the world cup glitter.

Twickenham. English rugby HQ
This weekend is the Ealing half marathon. I'm treating it as a training run so should finish in about 1:50 or thereabouts. It's an excellent event and rare to get a big half marathon in London with so much support and superb organisation. I'm looking forward to it. I'll write a report next week, my final update until the marathon a week on Sunday.

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