Tuesday 20 January 2015

Going in the right direction

So, two weeks without alcohol, new shoes, new training schedule and things are starting to fall in place.

This morning I ran 5x1km fast. Last year when I did this session I struggled and had to stop a couple of times to get my breath back. Today I hit the right pace and completed the session feeling great. Speed sessions are like that. I start off hating them but as the weeks go by I get fitter and faster and begin to look forward to them as a challenge rather than dreading them as a punishment. Next week will be 4x1200m which I am now really looking forward to.

The weather is getting colder, dropping to below zero overnight which can be a bit of a shock to the senses first thing in the morning. But after about five minutes of running I'm warmed up and don't notice the freezing cold. Also, I'm still wearing a short sleeve top and shorts although if it gets any colder I may dig out the long sleeve tops.

Last week I ran two sessions of 8 miles on Saturday and Sunday. It was just light enough in the morning to be able to run along the canals around here. It's still too dark to run in the parks but as we head towards BST I hope to be able to get off the streets more and more.

Having said that, this weekend I've got a 12 mile run on Sunday and will probably follow the Ealing Half Marathon route. It's got a fair bit of hills in it which should help build up my stamina more. It was after this run last year that I had to give up the Hanson training schedule because I was suffering from shin splints. I've had nothing like that this year. A few muscle groans as my feet and legs get used to the new running shoes but they seem to have adapted now.

My weight has dropped dramatically since last week which either means last week was an anomaly or I've been starving myself. Considering I definitely haven't been too careful with my diet I suspect it to be the former. Also, my waist has dropped by a cm. So it's all going in the right direction at the moment.

Saturday 17/01/2015
Weight - 83.6kg - BMI 25.5
Waist/Hip - 95/100 - 95%

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