Tuesday 25 February 2014

A step up in pace

Half marathon training started this week. It's certainly a step up in pace and distance for me compared to the past couple of months. You'd think that with all the marathon training last year it would be pretty easy. This is not the case. I've lost a lot of fitness over the last few months. Hopefully I can get it back by the time of the race in May.

What I've realised is that I do not like running to time. I think it's because I cannot alter the time but when I run against distance my fate is my own. So with this in mind I've altered the training plan from time based to distance based. Much better.

I've had no recurrence of my ankle injury. It was certainly not due to my running shoes. I'll just have to keep my eye on it.

This morning I ran a set of six intervals of 600m each. It was tough but I got through it. The pace I had to run was actually slower than my best 10km pace although it felt a lot tougher. Such is the loss of my fitness at the moment. Next week I will be running the same session so it will give me something to compare against.

A rest day tomorrow and then a 4 mile tempo run on Thursday, which will be another tough test. Looking forward to it though.

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