One of the problems with training regularly is that it becomes harder and harder to keep it fresh. Sometimes you don't want to; for instance, on Tuesdays I run my speed intervals pretty much around the same loop because a) I know it's relatively flat, b) there aren't going to be any tricky car junctions to cross and c) it helps to have an idea of how far I need to run for that interval.
But on Sunday especially it can be nice to go out for a long run along a relatively new path. The trouble is that the longer I've been running then the fewer new paths there are for me to find. So I have to improvise and head out without a clear idea of where I'm going to go. This doesn't necessarily mean I find new paths to run but it does mean I end up mixing regular routes to create a new one. A sort of mish-mash if you will.
That's what I did this weekend. On the Saturday and Sunday I had to run 10 miles each day. So for Saturday I intended to run a regular 10 mile route, got to about 3 miles and then veered off and made the rest of it up off the cuff. Over the years of running around here I have acquired an ability to know the distances between places within a 5 mile radius of my house. It came to a point that my wife ran a loop around where we live but didn't know the distance. She told me the route and I guessed 3 miles. She then checked her iPhone app that she had used and it said 2.99 miles. That's not a bad guess!
On Sunday I ran a circuit of the two parks I ran last week and then headed down to another park nearby and a ran a circuit of that as well. It added up to about 5 miles in total for the two park circuits and then the same again for the distance between them. 10 miles done and a new route remembered for future use.
This sort of improvisation is going to be needed a lot over the next few weeks up to the marathon as I have a lot of similar distance runs to go on (8 and 10 milers).
My weigh in this week was a pleasant surprise since I hadn't changed any weight last week. This week I have dropped another 2kg. Not sure how although the only difference I could tell was that I weighed myself an hour or two later than I had previously, but I don't think that would be enough to make that much difference. Still, let's see what it is next week. It may just be a blip.
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