Tuesday, 3 February 2015

It's snow joke

Today was the first day that we had snow in London this year. I was due to run a pyramid speed session and headed out the door positive I was going to knock it out of the park! About 100m down the road I realised that the conditions weren't exactly the best for running a speed session. I lightly jogged around a corner and almost went A over T. Ha, I thought, better cancel today's session. So, I headed home and took today as my rest day with the intention of shuffling my other sessions around a bit so I didn't miss out. Tomorrow (weather permitting) I will attempt the speed session, then Thursday will be an easy run and a tempo run on Friday. That should get me back on schedule by the weekend.

It's a pain but sometimes you have to be practical and if the weather isn't playing ball there's not much you can do but move your sessions around. It's the first time I've had to do this which is not bad going considering I am now just over a third of the way through the plan (6 weeks down, 12 to go).

My runs since last week have been pretty easy. My tempo run has increased by a mile but isn't any more difficult and on the weekend my long run was only 10 miles on the Saturday which is just under an hour and a half so I'm back in the house and eating my porridge before I know it.

I can definitely feel my legs getting stronger. Running decent distances 6 days a week is starting to pay dividends. Let's just hope that the weather this week doesn't put a wrecking ball through it!

My weight loss is still on track. It's plateauing as expected but still going in a downward direction. I've managed to hook my scales back up with the internet so can see my results more clearly. My waist hasn't changed much, it's just below 94cm at the moment.

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