Saturday, 14 May 2011

Speeding up the schedule

My recovery is going well so I'm going to speed up my return to full running by halving my training schedule. This just means that instead of doing two sessions of the same then I will only do one and then step up the amount of time I am running for the next session. This "should" allow me to start my marathon training at the end of June. If I feel any twinges then I'll step back to the previous session until the twinge goes away. Well, that's the plan at least.

My plan to lose 6 kg by the start of July is going well. I've lost just over 3 kg since the start of April so as long as I can keep off the pizzas and curries for the next six weeks then I should hit my goal. Hopefully by running more and more this should become easier.

I was ill at the start of the week with a cold which didn't help. I wasn't able to do my core exercises although I did go running. The rule of thumb is that as long as the cold is not in the chest then you can still run. My heart rate was up a bit but I managed to get all three sessions in.

Friday's run was a nice circular route that I used to do the first time I started running about ten years ago.

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