Wednesday, 4 May 2011


Sometimes, very rarely, my GPS watch goes nuts. Today it decided that my starting point was somewhere in Hammersmith and took about five minutes before it realised its mistake. The upshot to this is that I can apparently run a kilometer in thirty five seconds! Maybe I should enter the olympics next year. I'm certain I can improve on that time.
Apart from this technical strangeness I had a relatively pleasant, and short, run around west Ealing. Because I can only run for twenty minutes at the moment due to my schedule I have to be more inventive with my routes to make it more interesting. This basically means running down local roads that I've not been down before. It's nice to see a few new places so close to home. Nothing to really shout about mind you, the roads don't vary greatly. They look just like any other roads, but the fact that they are different is enough for my little mind to be happy with the change.
My resting heart rate is now in the lower 50s. Which means I'm either becoming much fitter or my heart rate monitor needs new batteries. Probably the latter, but I can hope for the former.
More good news, my weight is now down to 84.1 kg. Just over 4 kg to go to get to my ideal weight. I've given myself until the start of July to acheive this so I need to shed 1 kg every two weeks. As long as I can keep my booze consumption down then this should be achievable.
Here's my run from this morning, with the aforementioned crazy GPS. I'm up to 1 minute 30 seconds of running per 5 minute interval. Today's podcast was Adam and Joe.

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