Tuesday 14 June 2011

T minus 1 week

It's now one week until my marathon training starts. I've posted two runs of six miles this week and next week will run a seven miler and eight miler before going away for the weekend before the start of my 16 weeks of marathon training.

Whilst running a nice four mile circuit through a wooded area near my house I ran past a man in his fifties drinking from a can of super strength cider. At 6:30 in the morning! I mean, at 7am I could understand but 6:30 is too early even for me.

On the weekend I went to a wedding in Chester so took the opportunity to get a six mile run around the canals and cycle path of Chester. It's a great place to go running, a nice mixture of history and countryside. I'm looking forward to running the marathon there in 5 months time.

Here's my run from this morning, it's a 7 mile circular route from my house to Greenford and back via the A40. Loads of traffic and people around even at 6:30 in the morning. On Thursday I fly to Budapest for a weekend away, I'm hoping to get an 8 mile run in first thing, although I think this will mean getting up at 5:30!

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