Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Sluggish (adj): like a slug

5 days into the 10 day taper and feeling tired and sluggish. I know this is what is expected because the body is not used to the lack of running so can feel at odds with how I would like to feel with just 5 days until the marathon. I have trusted the plan so far so will continue to trust it and hopefully this feeling of lethargy will pass.

My runs have been reduced to single figures now. 8 miles was the most that I ran on both Saturday and Sunday. We were staying with my wife's cousin just outside Northampton so I took my running gear with me and hit some of the local roads. On the Saturday I ran around a wetlands wildlife centre. It was cold and clear and I remembered to take my iPhone so I could snap some pictures.

A path through the wetlands
There were several people out walking around early in the morning, including a group of runners. I've often thought about joining a running club since I know it can be one of the best ways to improve performance but I just like the solitude of running a bit too much I think.

I took another photo by the main lake and visitor centre managing to capture my shadow at the same time (beginner's error).

Spot the photographer!
This morning I ran 5 miles, which is roughly 5 miles fewer than I would normally run on a Tuesday but because of the lethargy it felt hard work. Tomorrow is a rest day then it's 6 miles, 6 miles, 3 miles, marathon. I actually miss being able to run the longer, more difficult runs. I'm sure I won't be saying that on Sunday!

My weight is settling down again to about 77kg which is good but I'll need to carbo load in the next few days to be ready for the start on Sunday. We're eating in a nice restaurant in Stratford on Saturday evening. I'm hoping that pasta or rice will be on the menu.

The next time I write should be a report of the marathon itself, and hopefully of how the Hanson Marathon Method helped me smash the 3:30 barrier. Just as long as the weather plays fair.

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