Tuesday, 18 February 2014

*sniff* *cough* *sneeze*

It's been two weeks since my last post. This is because I was off sick for three days and missed a couple of runs. A slight chest infection and a touch of the man-flu laid me up. I trusted in the adage that if the cold is below the neck then it's best not to run.

I'm now in my final week of recovery runs. Yesterday I ran for thirty minutes and at the end my ankle started complaining! Disaster I thought. Will I never by rid of this turbulent tendon? This morning I decided to risk my scheduled forty minute run that included six 100m sprints. I came through with flying colours. What's the next step? Well tomorrow is a rest day then I have a thirty five minute run on Thursday, twenty of which is at a tempo pace. I will be wearing the same running shoes that I wore yesterday and if I start feeling pain again then it may well be that it's the running shoes to blame. It's a scientific process of elimination, so we'll see what happens.

My half marathon training is due to start on Monday so I will bring forward my Sunday run (fifty five minutes) to the Saturday so I get a rest day before the schedule starts. Providing my ankle doesn't explode.

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