Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Decision Time

Three weeks ago I completed the six week post marathon schedule culminating in an 11 mile run. So far, so good yes? Not exactly. Towards the end of the six weeks I started to get a pain on my inner right ankle. It would only start to appear after about 30 minutes of running. It got to the point that I decided to take a week off running to help it recover. When I started running again it still started hurting. Annoying. Like the best hypochondriac I turned to the internet for help.

Turns out I probably had post tibial tendon issues. It's an overuse injury which considering I had run two marathons this year is not unexpected although it is unwelcome. I bought new running shoes since I thought maybe the ones I had been using had come to the end of their usefulness. This didn't work and the pain came back again after 4 miles bang on cue.

I have in the house two pairs of Newton running shoes I bought a couple of years ago which promote a mid-foot running style that I have found so far prevents the post tibial tendon pain. It does take a period of transition though to be able to run in them. According to their website you start off running 20 minutes and then every other day you increase the run by 10 minutes, adjusting according to feel. I reckon if I do this up to an hour without issue I will be able to alter my running style safely and hopefully within about six weeks (the website says that it should take between two weeks and two months).

My main issue is that my Hanson training plan for the Manchester marathon starts on the 6th December. This Thursday. Even more annoying.

So my current plan is to scrap the Hanson method for this race, continue adjusting to the Newton shoes and then follow the P&D 12 week marathon plan. If this fails then I'll have to scrap the hope of running the Manchester marathon (saying goodbye to £42) and get ready for next year's Chester marathon.

So far I'm up to 30 minutes running in the Newtons. Hopefully by the next time I write I should be up to an hour.

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