Friday, 23 August 2013

Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot

I have so far managed two runs on my holiday (out of 5 days). A 4 miler and a 5 miler. Both have finished with me covered head to toe in sweat. The humidity is so high in the morning that the sweat doesn't get a chance to evaporate so just clings to you. Very uncomfortable. The alternative is to wait a few hours so that the humidity goes down. The flip side is that the temperature soars. Robbing Peter to pay Paul.

My marathon schedule is not being followed. It would be nigh on impossible to do so in these conditions so I am just maintaining fitness instead of increasing it. Once I get back home next week I'll get back on track.

Another problem is that my watch has broken again. This is the replacement watch that I had because my touch screen became semi-responsive. Well this time the touch screen has become totally unresponsive. It's barely four weeks old! To be fair to Garmin I contacted them and they've agreed to replace it again no questions asked. I can still use it as a fancy stopwatch that also tracks my GPS but that's about it. I'll send it off when I return home.

Having said all of that the running paths around here are very pleasant. Pretty much flat as a pancake and nice coastal views. Tomorrow I think I'll try a 6 miler although I'll probably end up as a puddle on the floor.

But now it's time for breakfast and then to hit the pool!


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