Tuesday 29 March 2011

Back Up And Running

Managed a 55 minute run on Monday morning (2 mins run/3 mins walk). That's a decent speed and with no pain although it was run in my old "normal" shoes rather than the Vibrams.

This time before I ran I did a lunge matrix warm-up. What is a lunge matrix warm-up I hear you ask? Well ask no more, just click on the video below.

Lunge Warm-Up from CoachJayJohnson on Vimeo.

I also bought a new torture implement. It's called The Stick and is great at a) freeing up my calf muscles and b) causing huge amounts of pain in equal measure. Here's a photo of the cruel implement:

New instrument of torture

Tomorrow I will run a 45 minute session in the Vibrams again. Hopefully the mixture of warm-ups and The Stick will keep any pain at bay. Fingers crossed.

On another note, I found this link that shows the marathon times of famous runners (including celebrities and politicians). Good to see I've run faster than George W Bush and Sarah Palin.

Famous Marathon Runners

Here's my Monday morning run:

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