Sunday, 24 March 2013

Marathon Training Week 10

Last week was my stag weekend so I was unable to update with a blog. In summary I had to shorten my week and bring my Sunday long run to forward to the Friday. It was a 20 mile run and I didn't really have much of a plan of where to go. I headed out towards Hounslow with an intention of running past Twickenham. Wales were due to play England the next day and I wanted to run past the English rugby HQ as some ridiculous gesture of support for Wales. Whatever, it must have worked because Wales totally stuffed England and won the Six Nations!

My runs this week have been a bit strained. My easy four miler on Monday was hard work which was either a hangover from the weekend's excess or because I had concatenated all my training runs the previous week. Either way, by Friday I had run 9 miles on intervals, a slow 9 mile run and then a 5 mile tempo run. This has put a strain on my left achilles which feels a bit stiff and sore. On Saturday I went for a 3 mile easy paced run and my achilles came through it with no issues. But then later in the day it still felt stiff and sore.

Today (Sunday) I was meant to run a half marathon. My dilemma is that because of my impending wedding next Saturday I am having to run my 20 mile long run on the Friday again which means that I will have no rest days and don't want to risk injury. So I dropped today's run and will run an 8 mile fartlek tomorrow, followed by 6 mile slow run, 11 mile steady and a 4 mile easy run before the long run on Friday. Hopefully I will get through without injury. On the morning of my wedding I am going to run 5 miles. I had intended to run my 20 miler on the wedding morning but then common sense kicked in! On the Monday we are going on honeymoon to New Orleans and I am going to have to juggle my runs around again. I've had easer training schedules to arrange!

Here is my 20 mile long run from last week:

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Marathon Training Week 8

Week 8. Halfway through the schedule. Started quietly and ended quietly.

The Monday was penciled in as a rest day which I was pleased with so I could recover from the previous day's 20 mile run.

The next day I was supposed to run fourteen hill repeats. I woke up tired and still a bit achy from the Sunday run so the duvet called me back and I postponed the run till Friday.

Back off to Holland and an 11 mile slow run on Wednesday morning. I've become more and more familiar with the area around the hotel in which I am staying so ventured out further into the countryside. There are loads of cycle lanes which I have to run in because there are very few pavements. I'm not sure on the etiquette of running in cycle lanes but I prefer to do that on a dark morning than run in the road! I was rewarded with the sight of a beautiful sunrise over snooker table flat farming fields. The temperature had warmed up a bit this week as well so I was able to run just in my t-shirt top.

Thursday is tempo run day (1 mile warm up, 3 miles at tempo speed and a 1 mile cool down) so I ran the 3 mile loop around the hotel to make up the distance.

Back home on Thursday evening and then up early the next morning to run the hills postponed from the Tuesday. I don't mind hills but I do find it a bit boring doing the seemingly endless repeats up and down the same hill for an hour or so at a time.

Saturday morning was back to normal and my 5 mile easy route.

Saturday evening I drank a bit too much and woke up on Sunday with something of a hangover. No fit state to run a half-marathon! So, I called off the solo race (not having found a half marathon race to participate in nearby). My dilemma now is to see if I can fit it back in to the schedule. I am due to have the Monday as a rest day but I don't think I'll have the time to run a half-marathon before work. It's possible but tight. I may just go out for a leg loosener and write this one off to a bad day at the office. Or I may go somewhere in between and run a 6 miler at half marathon pace. At the moment that appears to be the most likely.

I also have the problem that the 20 mile run I am supposed to be doing next Sunday will have to be brought forward to the Friday (when I will hopefully be working from home) because I am going on my stag weekend and will definitely not be in a fit state to run on the Saturday or Sunday. Juggle, juggle, juggle. Over the next few weeks I'll be juggling a lot more runs around as I have my wedding at the end of March on the Easter weekend followed by ten days in New Orleans on my honeymoon. I've run on holiday before but a honeymoon is a totally different kettle of fish!

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Marathon Training Week 7

I've had to shuffle some runs around again this week.

On the Sunday night I stayed up to watch the Oscars which left me with only four hours sleep and a general feeling not far off that of jet-lag. This meant that I failed to run my usual Monday morning four miler. But that's ok, I had anticipated it and used the Monday as my rest day.

Tuesday then became the new Monday and I ran the four mile route. Normally Tuesday would be hill day but I would push that back to Friday instead. Later that morning I flew to the Netherlands on business again, with warmer running gear than last time. Once bitten, twice shy and all that.

Woke up at 5:45am on Wednesday morning. Put on my usual running gear as well as a long sleeved running top over my short sleeved running top and also put on a warm running hat. I set off at 6am on a ten mile loop that I had worked out using Mapmyrun, trying to remember the turning points (right at the first traffic lights, right at the first roundabout, follow the road until it meets School-something Straat etc. etc.). Sometimes the joy of running in a strange land is actually just managing to get back without getting lost. My hat quickly became redundant as although it was cold my head warmed up too much beneath it. Better to be too cold than too hot. So I took it off and carried it with me, which actually helped keep my hands warm, almost like a partial glove. My long sleeved top on the other hand worked wonders. As the saying goes, there is no wrong weather, only wrong clothing. My pride had stopped me from wearing the right clothing and last week had cost me 12 miles that I had failed to run. Stupid pride. You can see the route I ran below:

The next morning I ran two laps of a figure of eight nearby the hotel. This allowed me to run seven miles at a steady pace. Being warmer reduced the desire to cut the run short like last week and once again I thanked my decision to bring the long sleeved top.

I flew back to Blighty on Thursday evening and set off on Friday morning to run twelve hill repetitions. I had been looking for a new hill course and finally I think I've found one. The incline is 400 metres long and rises about 10% over the full length which according to the internet is the ideal incline for hill training. Same again next week I think.

Saturday was back to normal and my usual five mile easy paced route.

This left the last run of the week, a twenty mile long slow run. Normally for a run of this length and time (just shy of three hours) I would take two or three gels with me. I have a stash of gels that I buy in bulk. I checked them on the morning (stupid, I know) and found that they were out of date. Great. A glass of water and I was out of the door. It was quite cold and took me about four or five miles to get into my run. The route was one I had done once before about 18 months ago, going up to Wembley, down the Harrow Road to Paddington, traversing Baker Street and then back along Oxford Street all the way to Ealing. The last time I ran this route I remember having to stop in the Hilton at Paddington for a "comfort break". Well, history repeated itself and I found myself using the restrooms of the 5 star hotel. The advantage of being in running gear is that no-one questions whether or not you are a guest. It appears to be the assumption that you are one of those strange creatures who take their running gear with them when they stay at hotels (*ahem*). Anyway, the lack of gels didn't appear to have any major implications although I will need to use some for the marathon itself so I'll buy some from my local supermarket so I can make sure they don't have an adverse effect on my performance.

Here's the 20 miler from this morning:

Next week gives me a day off on Monday which is a nice bonus. I'm back in Holland for two nights a week until the end of March, so I'll be searching for more midweek routes. Then I have to run a half marathon race next Sunday. I don't think there are any locally so once again I'll run against myself on a nearby route that I've used before.